Necratalis Military Command is the Necron Empire's Forefront for Highly Trained Light, Commando, and Specialized Infantry fit for High-Risk Military Operations needing a precisionist's edge in a Combat Situation. The Necratlis Military Command is outfitted to provide on-time 12 Hour Deployment anywhere in the known Galaxy, and 16 Hour Deployment in anywhere in the known Universe.

NEMCOM, as it is refereed to on a Military Basis, provides strategic warfare when needed, giving surgical precision a true definition with the latest technology and armor systems, along with specialized weapon systems that aren't found anywhere else in the Galaxy. 

The Warriors under NEMCOM are unlike any other in the Empire; Trained to be professional killers with elite precision in their work, they act on orders, not moral judgement. They are trained to get in, do their job, and get out as quickly as possible to provide shock to enemy lines. They also touch basis with the Psychological Warfare Division, which provides the Empire with a great deal of tactics that provide our soldiers with an advantage of gaining the upperhand via demolishing the enemy's moral, and combat effectiveness. 

They do this by feeding false intel, routinely attacking enemy trade routes and disturbing Civilian Encampments to deplete even the people's will to fight, causing random and havoc behind enemy lines, and destroying key points across the battlefield to reduce effectiveness against Shock infantry which would steam roll over an enemy's encampments and fortified locations, thus causing troops to lose moral when they lose even the most fortified locations, meaning for them, no where is safe.

Today there are Three to NEMCOM, listed below:
Imperial Army Corps [ARMCORP]
Imperial OPS Division [OPS]
The Ereban Imperial Guard [EIG] (Necratalis' National Branch of Guardian Corps)

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