Emblem of the EIG

The Ereban Imperial Guard, EIG, or sometimes referred to as Ereban Commandos, are the Elite Guardian Corps members residing in service for Necratalis' defense. Members of this prestigious group are members of the Guardian Corps who are more oriented to fight in smaller, Commando-Like Teams, rather than Shock Trooper variants Rasa Elite Guardsmen have. 

Ereban Commando's often are trained in the Arts of Valden Warriors, a mythic warrior existing during the Vie'yonce Age of the Ereban Empire. They were highly trained Assassins, and known as the first Covert Ops in Ereban History. Fast, agile, and work in small numbers. Valden are trained to be the best operatives known to the Necron, and also are known to be heavily religious in Necrotheism, but rather than Hailing to Rasa for their strength, they Praise to Raujlac to grant them great battlefield knowledge and Spiritual strength. In this sense, they practice a Zen-like ritual relating to their Necrotheistic Ideals that help them in battle. 

The EIG is currently lead by Lord Colonel Ordo Malus. 

Current ACTIVE EIG Units:

1st Ereban Legion: VALDEN GUARD, Captain Virgil Hades
2nd Ereban Legion: FROSTMOURNE'S ELITE, Captain Artimus Xansies
3rd Ereban Legion: RAUJLAC'S CHOSEN, Captain Kurtus Pyron

Members of the VALDEN GUARD, the most Elite Legion of EIG's in the Entire Guardian Corps, in Formal Space Uniform, on the Moon of Tyrone. The VALDEN GUARD are revered for their undeniable capabilities in unconventional Combat, and to all members of the Imperial Military, they are those who are called upon when the Mission is uninfiltratable, unkillable, or impossible for any other team of Special Operations in the entire Military. 

A Legendary member of the Ereban Imperial Guard, Captain Virgil Hades, leader of the VALDEN GUARD. It is said that Virgil is not of actual Necron decent, that he is actually tank bread. However, his entire record is sealed within the confines of a Tier on Vault housed in a guarded location of the OPSDIVISION. 

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