The Necron Government can be seen in three branches, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. Of these branches the Executive branch known as the Emperors Council is the most powerful. The Emperors Council is made up of the Emperor of Orwyn, the Emperor of Demaga, and the Empress of Necratalis, this is also known as the triumvirate of the Necron Empire which by Necron law has total power over the Necron Empire. The Emperors Council tends to allow the legislative branch of the Necron Empire to handle the day to day issues of the empire. Every law passed by the Necron legislature, requires the signatures of at least two members of the Emperors Council.  The Emperors Council can override any action taken by the legislature however the legislature cannot override the Emperors Council.

The legislature of the Necron Empire is known as the Blood Council, it is the highest legislative body in the empire. All members of the Necron Empire are granted 90 seats in the Blood Council. Filling the seats is left up to the individual member states. Most members of the Blood Council are appointed nobles or nobles elected from each states legislature. There are a few members of the Blood Council that are elected by the people of a member state directly and even fewer who are not nobles. The Blood Council is ordered to remain in indefinite session; this however does not mean the council has to be in its chamber during this time. Thanks to advancements in Necron technology councilors can be linked into sessions no matter where they are in the Empire. The Blood Council is based on the citadel station, the council chambers are open to citizens of the Necron Empire to enter so they can see their government in action. The Blood Council is the voice of the citizens to the Emperors Council so the items that come out of the Blood Council are taken very seriously.

The judicial system on the Necron Empire does not directly affect the other branches however it is bound by the laws of the Necron Empire. The highest court in the Necron Empire is the Imperial Necron Court, this courts job is to review every law passed to be sure none conflict with another, and to hear trials that have made their way through the system up to this level. The court is made up of three justices from each member nation and five from the nations making up the triumvirate. Cases brought to the court can be heard by either the full court or smaller panels of justices depending on the case and the mood of the court. Should a citizen of a foreign nation or another nations representative be arrested in the Necron Empire their cases shall go before this court unless the court bounces it to a lower court. 

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