During the Dartak Conflict, The Necron Empire found itself lacking true potential in it's resource and information gather department. The Imperial OPSCOM requested from the High Command for a more potent way of obtaining these things, so the Central Command sent a request to Nether Dark Technologies to create a new tool of warfare unlike anything the Necron Empire has fielded thus far. 

After a series of Models were brought forth, The OPSCOM and Central Command forwarded for the creation of a Super GHOST AI, and sent forward the funding to Nether Dark Technologies, Inc to create the AI.

After 2 years of R&D, and Testing, Project: GHOST ended out of a sub programming set from DAEDALUS' mainframe. A Codename was given out of suggestion from DAEDALUS, and it was dubbed 'VIRUS'. VIRUS was instantly at the works of obtaining information it was aloud to access, and even some it wasn't. DAEDALUS eventually halted VIRUS' spree for information after it nearly crashed TeraNet and then BattleNet.

Nether Dark Technologies quickly recognized the problem of it's temptation of mass information gathering, so they set forth Data Consumption Protocols, so it could sort though, copy, delete, cut, and distribute information digitally in small increments, giving VIRUS a sense of Artificial Patience, and keeping him under radar. VIRUS was officially put into service a year later, after 'teaching' it how to operate in systems, and providing it with a series of tests and circumstances under which it would cover itself up if it were discovered by a 3rd party. 

Today, VIRUS Operates for CINTEL, working under the radar on usually always classified ops. VIRUS' secondary functions include operation management for Special Operation Units in the field, but those who can't maintain a direct link to TeraNet or BattleNet due to secluded Operation situations. 

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