The Imperial Infantry Corps, or ARMCORP>>INFTRYCORPS, is the Imperial Military's forefront for Infantry based Warfare, using specialized training for each individual soldier, they combine their individual skills to provide battlefield dominance on a Massive Scale, using elite precision, and fear-instilling tactics to overrun, overpower, and decimate enemy forces on any given military scale.

Below are listed Infantries used in the Infantry Corps, and what their tasks are in the Imperial Military: 

Imperial Combat Infantry are our most basic form of Infantry based in the Necron Empire. They fight standard Conventional Warfare, using Advanced-Modern Day Military Tactics to gain vantage over an enemy symmetrical to them. They provide the average fighting force in the Empire, though they are not an Average Fighting force overall to most. They are highly skilled and trained individuals that do the most basic forms of combat against an enemy, whether in number or in few. They can make the largest impact on any battlefield.

Tactical Assault and Reconnaissance Infantry, or TARE Infantry, are our Elite Light Infantry units, sometimes referred to as 'Rangers,' that are our boarder-line Special Forces units that do fast paced combat against an ever changing enemy. They do both symmetrical and asymmetrical warfare and provide an overall battlefield experience towards an enemy who is unaware of their presence, or is in terrain otherwise unsuitable for heavier infantry and infantry fighting units. These missions include but are not limited to airborneair assaultdirect action operations, raids, infiltration and exfiltration by air, land or sea in addition to airfield seizure, recovery of personnel and special equipment, and support of general purpose forces, such as Imperial Combat Infantry. 

HEST Infantry, or Heavy Shock Trooper Infantry, are the Elite Shock Trooper Infantry of the Army Corps. They are typically organized for mobility with the intention that they will penetrate through enemy defenses and attack into the enemy's vulnerable rear areas, in which they cause the effect of 'Shock and Awe' in the enemy's lines. The HEST Troopers do nothing less, using superior numbers and firepower, along with mechanized armor systems for enhanced protection and performance, these soldiers are the front of a full on assault on any target, given their extreme rate of mercilessness on the battlefield. When they show up on the field, the seriousness of the situation sets in. They literally throw themselves at the enemy, keeping up with their reputation, 'Going in, HEST First.' Along with their superior armor and weapons, they utilize Air and Armored Ground support to carry out high-risk raids and when they need mobile cover provided to them. 

 TAC Operatives, or Tactical Asymmetrical Combat Operatives, sometimes referred to in General as TAC OPS, are the Army's special Forces Operations Units that derive the Reputation for Elite Precision Artists. They fight in small numbers, against an enemy usually never similar, or symmetrical, to them. In this case, they could be considered our Counter Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare Specialists who fight oncoming threats in various ways deemed improper for other Combat Units to take part in, or require a specialist's touch to handle, in this case, TAC OPS. To finally Generalize their field of work, they are a special operations force of the Army Corps tasked with six primary missions: unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance, direct action, hostage rescue, and counter-terrorism. The first two emphasize language, cultural, and training skills in working with foreign troops. Other duties include combat search and rescue (CSAR), security assistance, peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance, humanitarian demining, counter-proliferation, psychological operations, manhunts, and counter-drug operations. Other more 'sensitive' matters could be handled by these Operatives as well, but none will be confirmed. 

 The Sapper Corps, Commonly known as Combat Engineers, are a Unit based within the Infantry Corps that specialize in Engineering. The unit's in the Corps are relied upon by Other Infantry for such tasks that typically include constructing and breaching trenches, tank traps and other fortifications, bunker construction, bridge and road construction or destruction, laying or clearing land mines, and other physical work in the battlefield. More generally, the combat engineer's goals involve facilitating movement and support of friendly forces while impeding that of the enemy. The Units in the Sapper corps are referred to Officially as Sappers

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