The Imperial Engineer Corps, Abbreviated IEC in the Military, is a Branch of the Imperial Army which specializes in Universal Engineering for the Entire Necron Military. If a specific job in any branch calls for engineering of any kind, for the Navy, Guardian Corps, or Army itself, they come here to train.  

The IEC is generally non-combat, with the exception of Guardian Corps Advanced Engineer Training Course [GC - AETC], and Imperial Army Combat Engineer Training Course [IA: CETC]. Engineers trained at the Imperial Engineer Academy usually trained in Naval Fleet Maintenance, Imperial Base Construction, and Demolitions.

Anyone trained at the IEC Academy is not officially trained in the Imperial Army, rather, a Policy of the Uniform Military Code allows all applicable units from the Imperial Military as a whole to train under the specific regiments of the IEC to allow the applicant to preform in their selected job. All Job Schools are specifically calculated so a Naval Engineer will not be trained the same as a Army Engineer would. 

However, all those who's job specifically requires them to train at the IEC academy calls for a Blue Beret, with the IEC Flash (Shown Above), and then the Specific Rank of the Wearer pinned in the center. However, they do not change their Combat Dress' Patches signifying Unit, Branch, etc. The Beret simply represents that the unit is an Elite Member of the Imperial Engineer Corps. If Special Applications require it for the Job, the Flash may be changed. An Example are the members of the SOAR Wing Engineer Companies, who wear a Blue Beret but the SOAR Flash. 

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