The Central Imperial Necron Military Command, or CENCOM, is the head of the Imperial Necron Military, consisting of all highest ranking officials of each respected branch, and the Administration itself, including the Administrator and Director. 

CENCOM Is currently located in Orywn, and is headed by Administrator Oster, and Director Vice'Roy. The Chain of Command is as Follows:

|-> Administrator: Is the Face of the Necron Military, and is usually for Public Affairs only.
|-> Director: Is the Behind the scenes second in command and head of the Internal affairs.
|-> Board of Military Directors: Board of the Highest ranking officers of each respected branch.
|--> Council of the Guardians: Council of the Lord Colonels of the Guardian Corps. 
|--> Board of Army Executives: Board of Army Generals that head Imperial Army Affairs.
|--> Board of Naval Executives: Board of Naval Admirals that lead Imperial Naval Affairs.
|--> Board of Imperal OPS Executives: Board of the leaders of the Imperial OPS Division

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