The Civil Protection, commonly referred to as C.P, are the Necron Empire's National Policing Force. The CP are the only policing force in Necron, besides Private Security Forces employed by Private Corporations, or Security Conscious. 

The CP are Centralized at the Civil Protection Command on the Imperial Citadel. From there, they are put under specific Commands for each Necron State, then Regionalized, then Localized. From there, CP's are tasked as the following to Specific Civil Jobs:

Civil Patrol Officer
CP Special Response Officer
Civil Investigator

There are other specific job quadrants, but those listed are to name the main jobs preformed by Civil Protection Officers. 

CP Officer's are given the latest in Military Technology to help provide superior firepower when needed in CP Duties. They are also given effective protection, such as body armor, to help their survivability while on duty. 

CP Officers that serve the Necron Empire, like those on the Citadel or an Embassy, are considered the More Serviced and Respected Members of the CP, while units localized into small towns in a Necron State are considered the lesser grunts of CP. 

The Basic Duties of a Civil Protection Officer are as follows:

Peace Keeping
Carrying out Searches and Seizures
Civil Defense
Carrying out Arrest Warrants
Carrying out Warrants Unlisted
Boarder Patrol
Embassy Security
Government Property Security
Public Property Security
Riot Control
Emergency Response 
Criminal Investigations 
Patrolling for Unlawful Persons and/or Acts
Servicing Citations, Tickets, or Court Hearings
Arresting the Unlawful

A Civil Patrol Officer. 

A CP Special Response Officer.  

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